Thursday, May 30, 2013

Just a quick growth update!!

Had an ultrasound this afternoon with our MFM doctor.  Everyone is doing great!  Our son has flipped again and is breech and our daughter is still head down.  The ultrasound tech said they can see hair on her head and not much on his.  :)

He is weighing about 3 pounds 3 ounces and she is weighing about 3 pounds 7 ounces.  So both growing really well.

The doctor is pleased.  :)  So are we.

The next big milestone is to get to 32 weeks so I can deliver at my hospital of choice closer to the house.  Once I get past that then I don't need the higher level NICU.

After 32 weeks I will be pushing for 35 weeks.  This would give us the best chance of taking them home with us.

YAY!!  Back to the couch for me!

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