Monday, April 15, 2013

24 WEEKS!! The joy of viability!!!!!

How Far Along: 24 Weeks!!  The precious point of viability!!


Total Weight Gain/Loss: Up 9 pounds as of my last appointment.


Maternity Clothes: Yup yup!


Movement: Getting more and more kicks and last week I actually saw my stomach move when they kicked me!


Sleep: The hip pain is still there in the wee hours of the morning it kicks in.  Thankfully I am able to reposition myself anf fall right back to sleep.


Gender: A boy and a girl!!!


Symptoms: Fatigue, round ligament pain/cramping, stuffiness, hip pain.


Cravings: Sweets still which isn’t good.  LOL!


Freak-out of the Week: No freak-outs!  Just happy to feel them moving around – it keeps me calm.


Looking Forward To: My shower – it’s set for the 27th of this month. Also cleaning out the nursery and putting together the cribs and changing table.  Also looking forward to finishing up our childbirth classes so we can just RELAX!

Next Appointment: April 25th I have an appointment with the OB for a wellness check.  Next growth ultrasound is May 8th.

Miscellaneous: Learning a lot at childbirth class which is good.  We also took a cloth diapering class over the weekend and have decided to go that route.  The cost savings is tremendous!  We can diaper both kids until they are potty trained for about $600.  We would probably spend that in the first 6 months easily!!


24 Weeks - At week 24, your babies see-through skin is gradually becoming less translucent and is starting to look more opaque, like your own, but with the beauty of a new pink glow, thanks to the small capillaries that have recently formed. Plus, they’re getting heavier and now weigh 12.7 to 20.8 ounces. They’re 10.5- to 11.8 inches long now, too -- nearly an entire foot!

There's a lot happening inside the babies as well, and while their lungs have developed, they couldn't work outside of the womb yet. But the fact that their lungs are fully formed means that they’re closer to being ready to survive (and thrive!) in the outside world!


Oh and here is my 24 week belly shot!

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