Monday, April 29, 2013

26 Weeks!!

How Far Along: 26 Weeks!!


Total Weight Gain/Loss: Up 9 pounds as of my last appointment.  Probably up a few more…I have no idea.  My OB doesn’t say much about it…


Maternity Clothes: Yuppers!


Movement: A lot more during the day now.  I can feel these little rumbles in my belly…silly kids…


Sleep: The hip pain is still there in the wee hours of the morning it kicks in. Thankfully I am able to reposition myself and fall right back to sleep.


Gender: A boy and a girl!!!


Symptoms: Fatigue, round ligament pain/cramping, stuffiness, hip pain.


Cravings: No real cravings


Freak-out of the Week: No freak-outs! Just happy to feel them moving around – it keeps me calm.


Looking Forward To: Our mini babymoon this weekend.  We are going north to Centennial, CO and on Saturday going to a spa for massages and manicures and then Sunday brunch at the hotel we are staying at.


Next Appointment: Growth ultrasound is May 8th.  OB appointment on May 9th.


Miscellaneous: Finished with Childbirth classes.  We are ready – but hopefully not for another 10 weeks or so.  J


My shower this past weekend was great.  Small and intimate but filled love and laughter.  I’ll try and get some pictures up when I can later this week.


Now we are working on getting the nursery set up.  We cleared the room and yesterday Todd and I put together both cribs and the changing table.  Took us about 2 hours to put everything together so that was pretty easy.  Need a few essentials, like mattresses and whatnot, but we will get those in the next couple of weeks.


26 Weeks - Baby is still growing in the 13.6- to 14.8-inch and 1.5- to 2.5-pound range, and while her eyes are still forming during week 26, they’ll open soon. Hello, baby! Her eyelashes have grown

Monday, April 22, 2013

25 Weeks!

How Far Along: 25 Weeks!!

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Up 9 pounds as of my last appointment.

Maternity Clothes: Yuppers!

Movement: Definitely feeling it more.  I can tell now they sleep during the day and are more awake in the morning and at night.  Our son is a morning person and our daughter is a night owl. 

Sleep: The hip pain is still there in the wee hours of the morning it kicks in. Thankfully I am able to reposition myself and fall right back to sleep.

Gender: A boy and a girl!!!

Symptoms: Fatigue, round ligament pain/cramping, stuffiness, hip pain.

Cravings: Sweets and just food in general.

Freak-out of the Week: No freak-outs! Just happy to feel them moving around – it keeps me calm.

Looking Forward To: My shower – it’s this Saturday and I am so excited for it.  But more excited to clear out the guest room and transition it into the nursery.

Next Appointment: April 25th I have an appointment with the OB for a wellness check. Next growth ultrasound is May 8th.

Miscellaneous: Childbirth class is going great.  One more week of that.  My new hearing aids are a blessing.  J

 25 Weeks - You’re 25 weeks pregnant and it’s probably dawned on you that soon you’ll actually have to deliver this baby. (A little scary, but exciting!) What’s cool is that most hospitals will let you preregister, which means you can put in your paperwork early, so the day you go into labor, you don’t have to stand around filling out a bunch of forms before you get admitted. Maybe you’re getting nervous about delivery, or maybe it’s your haywire hormones, but you might start to have trouble sleeping around week 25. This is a common complaint of many moms-to-be. Some people will tell you that’s just your body’s way of prepping you for sleepless nights with baby, but those comments won’t help you get the rest you need! Experiment with different strategies for getting some sleep. One idea is to drink extra water early in the day, so you can start tapering off your intake as you get closer to bedtime. That way, you might need less bathroom breaks during the night and can keep sleeping. After all, now that baby’s crowding your bladder, you’ve got to pee. A lot.

During month six, the average fetus measures about 13.6 inches to 14.8 inches and weighs about 1.5 to 2.5 pounds.

She's enjoying her new sense of equilibrium -- she now knows which way is up and which is down.

She's growing more fat and more hair too!  (Information from


Friday, April 19, 2013

Just a quick update

Not much going on toward the end of this week.

I did find out I just barely failed my one hour glucose test so I have to do the three hour test on Wednesday.  Never fun but since I was borderline I should be okay passing the three hour one.

I have some loaner hearing aids I got on Tuesday morning and my life has completely changed!  I can hear!!!  It's amazing.  I go back on Tuesday and order my permanent ones.  Not sure how long they will take to come in but I am excited.

Otherwise just trying to get things ready for the shower which is next Saturday (for all those who have not RSVP'd please do so).

Weekend isn't too busy but we need to start getting things cleaned up so we can entertain our guests at the shower.

Have a lovely weekend!!

Monday, April 15, 2013

24 WEEKS!! The joy of viability!!!!!

How Far Along: 24 Weeks!!  The precious point of viability!!


Total Weight Gain/Loss: Up 9 pounds as of my last appointment.


Maternity Clothes: Yup yup!


Movement: Getting more and more kicks and last week I actually saw my stomach move when they kicked me!


Sleep: The hip pain is still there in the wee hours of the morning it kicks in.  Thankfully I am able to reposition myself anf fall right back to sleep.


Gender: A boy and a girl!!!


Symptoms: Fatigue, round ligament pain/cramping, stuffiness, hip pain.


Cravings: Sweets still which isn’t good.  LOL!


Freak-out of the Week: No freak-outs!  Just happy to feel them moving around – it keeps me calm.


Looking Forward To: My shower – it’s set for the 27th of this month. Also cleaning out the nursery and putting together the cribs and changing table.  Also looking forward to finishing up our childbirth classes so we can just RELAX!

Next Appointment: April 25th I have an appointment with the OB for a wellness check.  Next growth ultrasound is May 8th.

Miscellaneous: Learning a lot at childbirth class which is good.  We also took a cloth diapering class over the weekend and have decided to go that route.  The cost savings is tremendous!  We can diaper both kids until they are potty trained for about $600.  We would probably spend that in the first 6 months easily!!


24 Weeks - At week 24, your babies see-through skin is gradually becoming less translucent and is starting to look more opaque, like your own, but with the beauty of a new pink glow, thanks to the small capillaries that have recently formed. Plus, they’re getting heavier and now weigh 12.7 to 20.8 ounces. They’re 10.5- to 11.8 inches long now, too -- nearly an entire foot!

There's a lot happening inside the babies as well, and while their lungs have developed, they couldn't work outside of the womb yet. But the fact that their lungs are fully formed means that they’re closer to being ready to survive (and thrive!) in the outside world!


Oh and here is my 24 week belly shot!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Final update of the week!

So yesterday at the OB's I did my one hour glucose test.  I chugged down that orange drink like a frat boy at his first kegger.

Sat and talked with the OB and he was pleased with everything and I look to be in good shape.  I am going to start to see him every two weeks now and my MFM will continue to do our growth scans in the meantime.  So next appointment with my OB is on the 25th. 

I'm just hoping that I pass the glucose test.

Yesterday afternoon I met with an audiologist.  We did a hearing test and it has been determined that I will need two hearing aids, one for each ear.  Joy.  But he said due to my condition (otoslcerosis) I am a good candidate and I should find much improved hearing with them.  Which I am thankful for.  I go back on Tuesday to see him to get fitted for custom ear molds and to work out what kind to order that will work best for me.

Other than that everything else is going well!!

Tomorrow we are taking a cloth diapering class to see what that is all about, but the cost savings with twins would be substantial.  So we will likely go that route.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

All good things today!

So we had a cervical check and growth check this morning.

Cervix is measuring at 3.17cm which is still long and closed which is a good thing.

We then moved on to a more detailed ultrasound and both babies are looking great!  Our dear boy is breech right now (feet down) and he is weighing and estimated 1 lb 4 oz.  Our little girl is head down and low and weighing an estimated 1 lb 5 oz.  Both right on track in terms of size.

The best news we got was that our daughter's placenta has moved away from the cervix so the marginal placenta previa has resolved!

Every thing is looking great and if they stay in the position then I could attempt a vaginal birth which would be CRAZY!!

I'll update again tomorrow after meeting with my OB!

Monday, April 8, 2013

23 Weeks!!

How Far Along: 23 Weeks!

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I’m probably up 7-8 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight which is awesome.

Maternity Clothes: YES!! Some of my pants I no longer have to wear a Belly Band with – they stay up on their own!

Movement: More and more flutters. I have felt the flutter the last 3 days consistently.  And every day at least a couple of distinct kicks.  Very awesome to feel and know that they are moving around in there.

Sleep: Not bad. I got pillow for between my knees that I use at night for a while. Helps with the hip pain but it’s kind of uncomfortable too, so I use it for the first half of the night and then lose it for the second half. By the time I get up my hips are sore but I’m sleeping better.

Gender: A boy and a girl!!!

Symptoms: Fatigue, round ligament pain/cramping, stuffiness, hip pain.

Cravings: Sweets…lots of sweets. And Salt & Vinegar potato chips. YUM…

Freak-out of the Week: Nothing really.  And I am thankful for that. 

Looking Forward To: My shower – it’s set for the 27th of this month.  Also cleaning out the nursery and putting together the cribs and changing table that we picked up on Saturday.  I can’t wait to set everything up!

Next Appointment: April 10th for a cervical and growth check. This will be my last cervical check with MFM. Then it should just be growth checks every four weeks. Also have an OB appointment on April 11th.

Miscellaneous: Had our first childbirth class last night and it was nice.  There were about 12 couples.  We were the only set of twins.  I’m also going to see a hearing specialist on Tuesday the 9th (in the middle of a Spring snowstorm).  My hearing has gotten really bad and I need to look into hearing aids.  I just got this thing on Amazon that looks like a Bluetooth but is actually an amplifier and it’s been a Godsend the last 3 days.  I can have conversations and I am not lost!!

23 Weeks - At 23 weeks, babies are getting bigger – they’re about 10.5 to 11.8 inches long and weigh 12.7 to 20.8 ounces. Plus, they’re getting cuter! Ears start to develop and their faces and eyes are forming.  They’re more aware, too, and are listening to your voice and your heartbeat, as well as to loud sounds, such as cars honking and dogs barking.  Babies are comparable to grapefruit!! 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Best birthday present EVER!

So yesterday was my 34th birthday.
I went to work.  Came home.  Went out for a quick dinner at Panera with Todd and went to a breastfeeding class. 
It was very knowledgeable even though my hearing loss prevented me from hearing 98% of it.  Todd filled me in on what I needed to know.
But as I was sitting in class watching a video on breastfeeding I felt it.
Four distinct kicks behind and around my belly button.
I'm not sure which on did it but they were definitely kicks.  No rhythm to them and like nothing I have felt before.
This morning when I woke up I was laying in bed getting motivated to start my day and there they were again.  Some on the left but mostly behind and around my belly button!!  Probably about 15-20 little kicks.  So I said "good morning" and gave them a rub.

What a beautiful feeling.

Monday, April 1, 2013

22 Weeks!!

How Far Along: 22 Weeks!


Total Weight Gain/Loss: I’m probably up 7-8 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight which is awesome.


Maternity Clothes: YES!! Some of my pants I no longer have to wear a Belly Band with – they stay up on their own!


Movement: More and more flutters. Not totally distinguishable but they are getting more frequent though not very hard. I thought I might have felt a few pronounced kicks but maybe once or twice a day.  Still nothing consistent.


Sleep: Not bad.  I got pillow for between my knees that I use at night for a while.  Helps with the hip pain but it’s kind of uncomfortable too, so I use it for the first half of the night and then lose it for the second half.  By the time I get up my hips are sore but I’m sleeping better.


Gender: A boy and a girl!!!


Symptoms: Fatigue, round ligament pain/cramping, stuffiness, hip pain.


Cravings: Sweets…lots of sweets. And Salt & Vinegar potato chips. YUM…


Freak-out of the Week: A friend of mine delivered her twin boys this past weekend at 29 weeks.  Just a scary thought to think about them being here so soon.  It’s entirely possible, but obviously we are staying positive that they will cook as long as possible.  But when they want out it’s kind of hard to stop them.


Looking Forward To: Shower invites will be going out soon. Working on the planning for that and looking forward to feeling more movement for sure.

Next Appointment: April 10th for a cervical and growth check.  This will be my last cervical check with MFM.  Then it should just be growth checks every four weeks.  Also have an OB appointment on April 11th.

Miscellaneous: BP is looking good.  Cervix was great last week at 4.66cm.  Everything points to good things.  Tomorrow we have our breastfeeding class.  We already did Newborn Care and on Sunday start 4 weeks of childbirth classes.


22 Weeks - At 11 inches (the length of a spaghetti squash) and almost 1 pound, your babies are starting to look like miniature newborns. Their lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and they’re even developing tiny tooth buds beneath their gums. Their eyes have formed, but the irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment.