Monday, March 4, 2013

18 Weeks

How Far Along: 18 weeks!

Total Weight Gain/Loss: No clue really.  I go back and get weighed on the 14th so we will see what the scale says.

Maternity Clothes: Loving my maternity clothes. Waiting for the weather to get warmer so I can wear some of the skirts and stuff I bought. I still need some shirts but I’m definitely loving the maternity clothes. And I’m looking forward to flip flops. I hate any uncomfortable shows right now and heels are OUT!!

Movement: Still nothing consistent and nothing that I know for sure is them moving.  I’m sure it’s coming soon though.

Sleep: I’m sleeping pretty well. Still getting up to pee - not a shock. My hips still bother me if I lay on one side for too long.

Gender: We have a guess but we are waiting until we know for sure before we announce. Hoping to get confirmation on the 13th.

Symptoms: Fatigue, round ligament pain/cramping, stuffiness, trouble sleeping and hip pain.

Cravings: Sweets…lots of sweets.

Freak-out of the Week: Nothing.  Surprisingly enough I’m feeling good.  Certain cramps and twinges make me a little scared but I have no reason to be scared right now.  Everything has been looking great!!

Looking Forward To: Confirming the gender and registering for stuff.

Next Appointment: March 12th for my big anatomy scan and final confirmation of gender.  March 14th is my appointment with my OB. 

Miscellaneous: Feeling good today – yesterday was a little rough.  A lot of tenderness but I think it was just a growth spurt.  Definitely feel like I’m showing more and more.

18 weeks – babies are now the size of sweet potatoes!!  Approximately 5.6 inches and 6.7 ounces according to one website.  The other website tells me about the size of a bell pepper.

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