Monday, August 20, 2012


Well it's been one week since the IUI.  They definitely saw the follie in a state of ovulation.  So I am still in a holding pattern...I hate this part of the process.  I really do.

I have so much hope for this cycle, I can only hope that all the thoughts and prayers will bring us a rainbow.

This Wednesday, August 22nd will mark the one year anniversary of the most surreal day of my life.  It was the day that I took a home pregnancy test and got two beautiful lines.

It was the most amazing feeling in the world to know that through all of our struggle we finally achieved our dream!!  I can't even put into words how it felt that day just knowing that our lives would change forever.

I'll go ahead and share what we saw on our 4th anniversary last September 8th.  We thought it would be the perfect idea to get our first ultrasound on our anniversary.  How memorable!!!

Then all of a sudden there they were.  Two perfect and identical miracles.  :)  God I miss them so much...

There were a lot of memorable things last year that are so hard to believe because I don't have my babies in my arms...

Miss you Tobin and Miles!  So much!!

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